Friday, March 2, 2012

Chicken Katsudon

I can remember clearly, Chicken Katsudon was the dish I ordered when I was first introduced to Japanese Food. Since young, I was not an adventurous person when comes to food, I don't touch food that are not familiar to me, neither do I  eat raw food.  Chicken Katsudon is a popular Japanese food, steamed rice topped with seasoned chicken Katsu (breaded, cripsy-fried chicken) served with savory dashi sauce and eggs over rice. Ingredients are all familar to me, that was why it was my choice during then. Even up till now, it is still one of my favourite choice when dinning in a Japanese Restaurant. The thought of this dish makes me salivating... I went to the internet for search for the basic preparation and modified it as usual..

Servings: 2
For Breaded Cripsy-fried Chicken
4 Boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized chunks
2 Tablespoons Flour
1 Egg, lightly beaten
1 Cup Breadcrumb
Salt and Pepper
Oil for pan-frying
1/2 Cup Dashi Stock (I used fish stock instead as I have ran out of Dashi Stock)
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
2 Tablespoons Mirin
1/2 Teaspoon Brown Sugar
1/2 Onion, sliced thinly
6 Button Mushrooms, sliced thinly (Optional)
1 Tablespoon Oil
3 Eggs, lightly beaten

1 1/2 Cups of Steamed White Rice
Nori (Dried Seaweed) Optional

1. Put chicken chunks in a bowl season it with salt and salt. Add flour, mix well. Add in 1 light beaten egg, mix well. Put breadcrumb in a bowl. Dip chicken chunks, piece by piece in breadcrumb till all completed.
2. Heat up oil in a frying pan or electric fryer. Fry chicken chunk in batches until golden brown and cooked. Drain on paper towels and set aside.
3. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan on medium-high heat. Add the onions and sautee until soft. Add the dashi stock, soy sauce, brown sugar and mirin. Add in the sliced mushrooms. Bring the mixtures to a boil. pour the eggs.Turn the heat down to low and cover with a lid.
4.After about one minute, turn off the heat.
5.Serve cooked white rice into individual deep bowls, place chicken katsu on top. Scoop the egg, onion, mushrooms and dashi broth onto the chicken katsu and rice.
10. Sprinkle strips of nori on top if you would like.

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