Monday, February 27, 2012

2 in 1 Cake-Banana and Kumara Cake

Tony loves banana as well as banana cake. Whenever I ask him what would he like me to bake for my weekend's past time while he is at golf. His answer without fail is always-Banana Cake. I would always tell him that in order to bake nice banana cake, you need ripe bananas else the cake would not be nice.
Bananas are one of the fruits we must have at home, there were 2 bananas left the other days they were well ripen, Tony did not have it and had left it on purpose for me to bake a banana cake. 2 bananas were not enough to bake a loaf, then a thought just came into me. Why don't l make 2 in 1 cake-half banana and half kumara/sweet potato. Sounds good and interesting to me! Since I did not have any recipe for kumara cake,  I decided to experiment it with the banana bread  recipe by modifying it. It turned out well!

2 Ripe Bananas, mashed
250g Kumara/sweet potatoes, steamed it and mashed
75g Butter, Melted
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Egg, beaten
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 Cups of All-purpose Flour
30ml + 20ml Milk

No need for a mixer for this recipe.

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, cream butter and sugar till light and creamy. Mix in the egg.
2. Add in the baking soda and salt in th the flour and mix well. Add into the egg mixture, mix well then add in 30ml of milk to create a batter.
3. Divde the batter into half. Mix the mashed banana into the first half of the batter. As for the second half of the batter, mix in the mashed Kumara/Sweet potatoes. The kumara batter will be alittle thick than the banana batter. So add in the balance 20ml of milk into the kumara batter to create a same consistency as the bananas batter. 
4. Buttered a 4x8 inch loaf pan and lined with baking paper. Tilt the pan at an angle, pour in either one of the batter first then follow by the other batter.
5. Bake for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve.

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