Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Asian Egg Tarts

1st Attempt
2nd Attempt
Eversince I came over to Auckland, I have been craving for Asian food that I will only eat once in a blue moon, just like Japanese Cheese, Pandan Cake, Satay, Egg Tarts and etc... Some of these I can't find it here in Auckland, I will have to cook it and bake to eat that just like this Asian Egg Tarts. This tart just reminded me of my boy, I used to get it for him as a breakfast before he goes to school. Maybe it was because I miss him so much that I have craving for it over the last  few months. It is just the comfort feeling when you have it. I have been searching in the internet for it for quite some times, I have been searching it under "Egg Pie", as a result it was unsuccessful. My prayers  have been answered, God have pitied me and guide me to came across this Asian Egg Tarts by chance. I was so elated when I saw it and just can't wait to put my hand on it and start baking it. Since Tony is away in Hawaii, I have the time after work. Today, I got all the ingredients and started baking the moment I stepped home.

Recipe adapted from here.

For the Dough
2 Cups All-purpose flour
1 pinch Salt
140g Butter, diced
1/4 Cup Confectioners' sugar (I used caster sugar instead)
1 Egg
2 Tablespoons Cold water

For the Egg Custard Filling
1 Cup Water
3/4 Cup White sugar
3 Eggs
95ml Evaporated milk
1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla extract

1.Preheat oven to 200 C 400 degrees F

2.In a large bowl, mix flour and salt together. (As the recipe did not stated when to put in the confectioners' sugar, I added it with the flour and salt). Blend in butter with a pastry cutter until mixture resemble coarse crumbs. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the cold water. Stir the egg mixture into the flour mixture to form a soft dough. Wrap with plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3.Divide dough in half. Roll each half out to 1/8 inch thickness. Using a 3.5 inch (8.5 centimeter) fluted round cookie cutter, cut out 22 rounds. Press dough into lightly greased 3 inch tart pans. (I used a muffin tray instead as I do not have a tart pans)

4.In a saucepan over low heat, stir water and sugar until sugar dissolves. Measure 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of the resulting syrup and set aside to cool.
5.In a large bowl, combine eggs, evaporated milk and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Strain into reserved syrup and mix well. Pour into prepared tart shells. (Do not fill up to the brim as the mixture will boil over and create a mess in the oven)

6.Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown and filling is set.

After my 2nd attempt, I would like to advise the following if you are going to bake this Egg Tarts:

1. Grease the muffin trays generously so that the crust would not stick to the tray after baking.
2. Before making the dough, boil the water and sugar (For Egg Tart Filling) first as you need to set it aside to cool. Then beat the eggs, evaporated millk and vanilla extract. After beating the eggs mxiture there will be alot of bubbles so you need to let it settled else the eggs filling will have alot of bubbles on top when you baked.
3. I reduced the temperature from 200 degree to 175degree as the egg filling is cooked more nicely.

Happy Baking!

Result of  2nd attempt

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