Friday, September 16, 2011

Short Getaway to Sydney

I have  been away from 7th Sept to 9th Sept to Sydney for business trip, looking at some prints collection for next season swimwear collection. It was a short and hectic trip we arrived at Wednesday's evening and leaving on Friday's afternoon...just in time to watch the Ruby World Cup Opening Ceremony. It was a Big event for the Kiwis', it does not stirred up any interest in me at all. Ruby is just another boring sport. Thank goodness, I managed to have some time for some shopping else I will be very unhappy just because we need to come back for the ruby thingy.

We stayed at David's apartemnt during our stay in Sydney. During our 1st morning, I managed to capture a photo of 2 Kookaburra. According to Dave, the Kookanurra comes and sits on their balcony every day. They are so tame though they sitting about half a metre away from me.

This trip, we visited the new Westfield Mall at Sydney Tower and others malls in the vicinity- like Queens Victoria Building after our business appointment. As the weather on Thursday became very warm in the afternoon, so Tony got me some summer's clothing and shoes to change into. It was cold when we left in the morning, the weather changed drastically. We had about 3hours of shopping on Thursday and 3hours on Friday just before we departed Sydney. Though it was 6 hours of shopping in total, I managed to get a pair of shoes, a skirt, 2 tops and a tunic and Tony rewarded himself with a Ipad 2. Not a bad trip afterall though it was super least it was rewarding in term of shopping!

My Shopping Loots

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