Friday, September 24, 2010

Teriyaki Chicken Pie

Last night, we had a roasted chicken as both of us can't finished the whole chicken there was some leftover. This afternoon, I decided to make a teriyaki chicken pie with the leftover chicken. All I have to prepare was the teriyaki sauce and removed the bones from the chicken and shredded the meat. Put the chicken into the teriyaki sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. Fill it into the pie pastry and bake it. If you want to know how to prepare a Teriyaki Sauce, check it out at my recipe for Teriyaki Chicken. Just reduce the amount accordingly.


Katherine said...

I really love that pie maker you have leh.... the pie looks so nice! :) Haha! I am going to check it out in the stores later, hopefully they sells here.... :)

Unknown said...

You should get can make 4 at one go and you can pack it for lunch too!


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