Monday, August 22, 2011

Super Collagen Type 1 & 3

Yay, my 4 bottles of Super Collagen have arrived from States. I can start taking tomorrow to improve my skin. Recently, I came across a beauty blog from Singapore talking about this Super Collagen which was recommended by her doctor after she injured herself. Her review together with her followers were good on this Super Collagen. I checked out at the website that sells the Super Collagen Type 1 & 3 and decided not to procrastinate and shop at one of their online retailer to make my purchase immediately after reading through the good reviews. Since Tony was supportive, I made a purchases of 4 bottles at one go. The price is much more cheaper than Meji Powder.  I took taking Meji Powder 4-5 years ago,but I did not see any result at all, I stopped after a year. It is no harm trying and moreover this super collagen is not expensive. If it does not work just dump it.Everyone know that collagen plays a very important part in our body. What is Collagen? It is a type of protein, fibrous in nature. It connects and supports other body tissues, such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage.. Some people called it “glue” that connects the body together. Without it, our body would fall apart literally. Collagen also works hand-in-hand with Elastin to provide our body tissues the firmness and strength. Collagen is important in many parts of the body, even our blood vessels rely collagen..
With age catches, it is extremely important for me to really take care of myself. I regret that I did not start out young, always thinking that it was too young to start taking care of my skin. It was just a lame excuse. I was literally too lazy to be bothered with it. Now that, my skin is really in a bad condition. My skin looked dead and dead, itch frequently…it is a wake up call for me to take some action, it is never too late to do something.

Collagen is  build a protein net on the skin, trapping moisture. Resulting in skin becoming softer and more delicate, ith improved resilience and firmness. Collagen when absorbed deep to the skin, helps to stimulate cells to increase production of their own collagen. The skin very quickly regains firmness, elasticity and healthy looks. WOW...Look at the GREAT benefits  of collagen on skin:
Deeply moisturises and firms the skin 
  • Slows down skin aging processes 

  • Regenerates skin and visibly rejuvenates it 

  • Smoothens wrinkles and prevents new from appearing

  • Brightens skin and contracts capillary vessels 

  • Helps in curing juvenile acne and acne rosacea

  • Helps to cure skin prone to allergies 

  • Decreases skin tiredness 

  • Smoothens and brightens up scars 

  • Regenerates hair and nails 

  • Partly restores colour to grey hair

  • Helps cure varicose veins and fragile blood vessels 

  • Regenerates skin after sunburn and solarium 

  • Reinforces flaccid skin on breasts, belly, buttocks and thighs

  • Speeds up curing of wounds and skin damage

  • All the above are I need now. I will update result as I progress...

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