Happy New Year, my friends! We have said GOODBYE to 2010 and ushered into the NEW Year 2011. It has been an exciting, wonderful and well blessed 2010 for me. It's time for me to do a recap on 2010.
I started my 2010 in Auckland, I was on a 3 weeks holiday to Auckland to visit Tony and returned to Singapore early Jan 2010. Shortly after my return to Singapore, I was asked upon by Tony to make a major decision. He asked me to go over to Auckland to be with him. It was a very difficult decision during then and I was extremely stressed, in a dilemma. I confided with my close friends and colleagues before making the decision. I did not discuss with my family at all as I know that they will definitely OBJECT to it. What made me came to this decision ? During then I focused on the future. I have been very dependant on my mum for that moral support, my mum is old and it is time that I can find someone else which can give me that moral support and Tony is the the ONE. I was also building a future here with Wallace in my mind. But there was a lot of uncertainties in my mind too. I always have this belief "No Risk, No Gain" so I took that plunge leaving a well paid job in Changi Airport and my son in Singapore. My plan for Wallace is for him to complete his "O" levels in 2011 then to move him over to Auckland to further his studies.It was hard to break the news to my mum, my son was in fact happy that I will not be around to nag at him. My mum was sad and my 3rd sister objected strongly and felt that I should not leave Wallace as he is at a rebelious stage. I do know that but my presence in Singapore does not guarantee that his development at all. It was my life and I am responsible for my action and noone else be it I succeed or fail.
Left Singapore on 11 April 2010, new life began on 12 April 2010. Life was pretty exciting from there on...I have been travelling intensively with Tony almost every month for half a year. Hong Kong in late April, Fiji in mid May, back to Singapore in late Jun, a break from travelling in July, Sydney in late August and Hawaii in early September.
In June, we decided to apply for a work visa so that I can start to work soon. Job market here was bad, I did not have much luck after a few month of searching and was almost packed up and ready to return to Singapore I was being offered a job and was destined to stay here for good. I have been working for over a month now since late Nov 2010.
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