Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pandan Chiffon Cake

Having mood swing lately, I have boycotted cooking for the last 2 weeks I guess, except baking some scones in the evening when I am in the mood. Poor Tony, because of that we literally have  takeaways for dinner. Soon we are sick of takeaways, the daily cooking regime will start though I may not regained my mood of cooking.

I have this bad habit, whenever weekend is approaching I will ask Tony if he has been booked for any golf session. If yes, I  like to plan ahead for my activities on the weekend which he has golf. Yesterday's evening, pandan chiffon cake came into my mind. It was definitely a good idea to do some baking since Tony was at golf and with no plan to do any activites alone. It will help to fill my time without feeling bored and lonely at home. I have attempted baking this pandan chiffon cake before, turned out to be a failure. Decided to attempt again today,  I told myself I will give up baking pandan chiffon cake if it failed again. Missing home again, hope to get some comfort from this pandan chiffon cake. It was successful this time. I thought that I do not have green colouring, at the last stage I vaguely recalled I may have have the colouring when I baked it during 1st attempt. Yes, I do have it, so my colouring was only added it and the last stage mixing the white and the yolk mixture together. Despite of that, the cake turned out to be just like pandan cake. :)

Recipe adapted from Baking Mum blogspot with some modification.
100g Cake Flour ( I used cake flour as I can't find Top flour)
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Tablespoon Pandan Juice
100 ml Coconut Milk
4 Egg Yolks
50 ml Corn Oil (I used Rice Bran Oil as i don't have corn oil)
¼ Teaspoon Green Colouring
5 Egg Whites
¼ Teaspoon Cream of Tartar
100g Castor Sugar
Pinch of Salt

1.Preheat oven to 170°.
2.Put the Pandan leaves into a blender, process it till fine. Extract pandan juice by passing through a sieve.Add to coconut milk.
3.Add egg yolk, 50 g sugar, oil, colouring and salt to the coconut mixture. Mix well using hand whisk.
4.Sift Cake flour and baking powder and fold into mixture. Mix until smooth. Set aside.
5.Beat egg whites and tartar at high speed until formy. Add remaining 50 g sugar and beat until stiff. Stiff mean when you overturn the bowl the white stay without falling off.(I learnt it from one of the Masterchef Class)
6. Add 1/3 beaten egg white to the yolk mixture and mix using a hand whisk.
7.Slowly fold in this mixture to the remaining 2/3 of beaten egg whites.
8.Pour mixture into an ungreased 18cm chiffon tin( I do not have a chiffon tin so I used a square baking tin I don't really think it matters) and bake for about 50mins.
9.Turn tin over on a cake rack to cool before loosening cake.

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