Monday, March 28, 2011

Love A Duck Restaurant

Last Saturday, we went to Love A Duck Restaurant at  Dominion Road for our dinner. We came across this restaurant when we went to Zap Thai Restaurant and we promised ourselves that we would patronize this restuaurant one of these days since Tony is a duck's lover. They are located nearby one another in the same street. In fact. my chinese colleague gave a good review of this restaurant too. It is typical Hong Kong style cafe. The setup looked like the 80's, so it looked a bit old and dirty inside though it was not actually dirty at all. They served very simple food like those you found in Hong Kong Cafe. To me, simple is delicious.

I love the chicken congee and Soy Sauce Chicken which I ordered that evening. Congee tasted just those you got it in Hong Kong restaurants, with the similar kind of watery texture and milky taste. As for the Soy Sauce Chicken, it was the BEST I have ever tasted in New Zealand. I  never expected it to be so nice, simply love the garnishing on top of the chicken-Ginger, Spring Onion and I think with some seasame oil on it too.. It goes well with the chicken. This braised Soy Sauce Chicken was so succulent, Tony and I enjoyed it very much.  

As for the Wonton Soup, it was just so-so and nothing to rave about. Tony had a stir fry duck with vegetables, I did not taste that as I was not a fan of duck. This dish contained mainly vegetables with only a few bits and pieces of shredded duck meats, I don't find it worth the bucks. Though we may have 2 dishes that were average, but we will still visit this restaurant again as their Soy Sauce Chicken has captured our hearts!

Love A Duck
302 Dominion Road
(09) 638 7528

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