Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Banana Cake/Banana Muffins

Banana Cake

Banana Muffins
 My partner Tony loves Banana Cake, I have learnt to bake one during my secondary days during the Home Economic Class. I love it too but I have lost the recipe from the school. I have searched for this recipe in the internet and tried it so I would like to share this recipe(extracted from internet) with those who love Banana Cake too.

125g butter (Softened)
1/2 cup of Castor Sugar
2 Eggs (Beaten)
2 Large Ripe Bananas (Mashed it)
1 1/2 Cups of Self Raising Flour (Sifted)
1/2 Teaspoon of Baking Soda
A Pinch of Salt
1/4 Cup of Milk

Preheat the oven to 180C.

1.Cream butter and sugar together
until light and fluffy with a spatula.
 2. Beat in the eggs gradually.
3. Stirred in half sifted dry ingredients(Self Rasining Flour, Baking Soda and Salt) and Banana mix to combine.
4. Slowly fold in the remaining dry ingredients and milk to make it a smooth batter.
5. Spoon in mixture into a greased(or lay with baking paper) on a 20cm round cake tin or into a greased muffin tray.
6. Bake Cake/Muffin at 180C for about 40mins or check if it is baked by inserting a skewer into the centre of the cake/muffin. If the skewer comes out clean, the cake/muffins is ready to be remove from Oven.
7. Cool the cake/muffin for 10mins in the tin before turning out.
8. Cool the cake/muffin further for another 30mins once it is out of the tin before cutting .

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