Thursday, July 5, 2012

Oreo White Chocolate Mousse

With my previous experience of making Chocolate Mousse and Oreo Cheesecake, I decided to experiement by making a Oreo White Chocolate Mousse. I love Oreo Cookies and has always opt for Oreo Cookies and Cream Ice-cream when there is available. It turned out just as I expected but maybe need to have slightly more oreo cookies.

Serving : 5-6
1 (150g) Package Oreo Cookies (may have to increase 50g more to 200g)
25g Butter, melted
150g White chocolate
4 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
1/4 Cup Sugar
300ml Cream

1. Put Oreo cookies into a ziplock bag, zip it and using a rolling crush the cookies into crumbs.  Pour crumbs into a bowl. Save 3 tablespoon of crumbs in separate (To sprinke on top of the mousse), Mix the rest with the melted butter. Set aside.

2.Break up white chocolate and place in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until chocolate melts.Set aside to cool.
3.Separate eggs and beat yolks into the "cool" white chocolate with vanilla.
4.In another bowl, whip cream until stiff. Keep chilled.
5.In another separate bowl, whip egg whites until soft peaks form stiff, adding sugar gradually.Beat mixture until it’s thick and glossy.

6. Fold egg whites and cream alternately into chocolate mixture. Fold gently until mixed thoroughly.
7. In serving glasses, layer cookie crumbs at the bottom of each glass pressing down with a spoon. (Or you can put the crumbs in between the mousse layers it is entirely up to you.) Spoon in the mousse then sprinkle some Oreo cookies crumbs on top. Chilled for at least 2hours before serving.

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