Friday, January 13, 2012

Back from Perth

I was away to Perth with Tony for a 2 weeks holiday and was back last Saturday. I was too jet lagged to log in to my blog to do any updating. This trip was mentally exhausting and tired, it was too long and it turned out to be a bit of a nightmare. The only consolation was I got to see my son in Perth. I will try to update my Perth's trip once I have the time, probably after February, I am going back to Singapore tomorrow for Chinese New Year. I am so excited and happy, though I hate to step into the plane again. The flight journey is almost 11h 30min, I am flying back by Jetstar this time. The journey seems to be longer than flying back by Singapore Airlines (SQ), which SQ took about 10h. Anyway, it will be my last time flying long haul using Jetstar. See you soon, my Singapore!

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