Sunday, November 20, 2011

Capsicums Chicken In Wholegrain Tortilla Wraps

Both Tony and I are trying to lose weight..we decided to reduce our carbo intake. Tony is doing it for health's reason. I am doing it for vanity. For the past 2-3weeks we had not had much rice or noodles for dinner. And we have been very cautious when shopping for groceries too...reading the nutrition information on the packages before we put anything into our trolley. It is good beginning to a healthy start..I am supporting him trying incorporate green salad into our daily dinner. Both of us are not so much into greens until lately..I have been packing salads for my lunch too...a small step to a healthy "me". Because of this, I have not been blogging much..

However, tonight's dinner I decided to create some healthy with minimum carbo. I am making chicken tortilla wrap. I am using Wholegrain tortilla instead of the regular one, it has less carbo and sugar contents. Also I am using different colors of capsicums in this wrap.Capsicum, is a low calorie and vitamin rich vegetable. An extremely good source of vitamin A and C, capsicum provides a nice variety of colors to any dish you prepare. Most importantly to me, Capsicums contain high concentrations of antioxidant compounds that have nutritional benefits. These compounds are effective in helping to protect the skin and body from toxins and free radicals that cause aging and damage. Different colours of capsicums contain different types of antioxidant compounds. Enough of nutritional information, Let 's start very own recipe to share..:)

350g of skinless chicken breast, cut into cubes
1 medium Red Capsicum, removes the seeds and cut into small cubes
1 medium Yellow Capsicum, removes the seeds and cut into small cubes
1 medium Green Capsiscum, removes the seeds and cut into small cubes
6 Button mushrooms, cut into slices
3 Cloves garlics, finely chopped
100g of green peas (optional)
2 Tablespoon Oil

Seasoning for Chicken:
1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
1 Teaspoon Seasame oil
A dash of white pepper
1/2 Tablespoon cornstarch

60ml water
3 Tablespoon Ketchup Sauce
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon White Vinegar
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Cornstarch

Fresh Lettuce- for the wraps
1. Marinate the chicken with all the seasonings except the cornstarch (The cornstarch is to add in just before cooking the chicken). Marinate it for at least 30minutes.
2. Mix all the sauce ingredients in a small bowl, ensuring the cornstarch is dissolved totally and there is no lumps.
3. Heat up a skillet with oil in medium heat, sautée the garlic till fragrant. Add in the cornstarch into the chicken, mix well before putting the chicken cubes into the skillet to fry with the garlic. Allow the chicken to caramelize on one side before turning them.
4. Add in all the diced capsicums, green peas and mushrooms, mix well with the chicken. Cook for about a minute or till chicken are cooked. Add in the sauce, stir and mix well. Taste and adjust according to your preference.
5. Dish up onto a bowl.
6. Warm up the tortillas as per instruction on the package. Place some fresh lettuce and spoon the cooked chicken onto the tortillas. Serve while it is hot.

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