Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Africa Food Crisis Donation

For the past 1 weeks,  news on the TV have been reporting on drought situation in Africa. Babies and young children are malnourished and in need of urgent life-saving action. Many have died, being a mother myself I felt sad and realised how forunate we are, at this point able to blog and have food on the table daily. Saw the appeal on TV NZ appealing for donation, Tony and I decided to do our part too. my blog Our contributiom may not be big but at least it helps if everyone do a small part. After making our donation, I decided to appeal in  my blog for fortunate people like us to chip in to help the young and old at Africa. I always believe a small help goes a long way, we will all blessed in return. Do not hesitate, do your part now. Africa needs your help!

Click here if you will like to make a donation.

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