Monday, April 11, 2011

What's for dinner?

WHAT'S FOR DINNER TOMORROW ? This is a daily question I would ask Tony just before we retire for the day when I did not have a job back then. So cooking was the only past time I had then and it helped me to fill my time for the following going to the supermarket and the preparation.Being a planner by nature. However, now that I started working in last was no longer what's for dinner? It has expanded to what's for breakfast, what's for lunch and what's for dinner? 

Breakfast here is very boring either bread or cereal, things that I hardly eat back in Singapore. After close to a year here, I am sick of these. So at times, I would skip breakfast totally.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Mon to Fri-Lunch would be something the same food I had for dinner the day before. There is no kopitiam or foodccourt like Singapore, even there is the foodcourt you would see the same brands/cafes over all the foodcourts in Auckland. It is costly here, a standard lunch without drink is about NZ$10 and the food just tasted average or something sucks...But until last week, I found a Korean cafe at my workplace that served nice and decent  meal for NZ$10-$12. It comes with side dishes as well, the price of NZ$10-12 is quite reasonable as it is filling and satisfying. Chicken Noodle Soup was what I had on my 1st visit to this Cafe. I did a takeaway on Marinated Chicken with Rice, it was so delicious and the taste stills linger in my mouth. I will go back for more . And will share the photo when I go back again.

Note: I can't be having Korean meals for lunch daily as you will get sick of it too, currently I am planning to go for Korean Meal once a week till I am sick of it.

Marinated Spicy Chicken with Rice which I had it this afternoon 13April 2011 which I promised to upload.

Dinner has now becomes a headache as both of us at times lost ideas of what to cook or at times we can't agree on the choice. Tony is a simple man, he would just have anything but not for me as I need food that is savoury or else it is not going to be satisfying and you will end your day in agony. It is not that I am fussy, remember I will have to think of dinner as my lunch for the following day too; eating same food for 2 meals. Now I wish my mum is here and I will do appreciate her effort in whipping up delicious meals daily for dinner in Singapore, nothing beats her homecooked food. I miss her soup and everything of her.

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